Street Sweeping Atlanta | 1-800-SWEEPER

1-800-SWEEPER Blog

1-800-SWEEPER Welcomes Latasha Crenshaw of AC Sweepers and Maintenance, Inc.


Latasha Crenshaw1-800-SWEEPER partners understand our organization is more than just the first nationwide alliance of sweeping service companies.  We are held together by common bonds, and our sense of community runs deep within the group.  We foster this sense of family by sharing our stories, including posting new partner introductions to our blog.  Our latest addition to the 1-800-SWEEPER family is Latasha Crenshaw of AC Sweepers and Maintenance, Inc.  Latasha’s story bears some resemblance to the stories told by other partners, but her journey to owning and operating a sweeping company took some interesting twists and turns.

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