1-800-SWEEPER is proud to introduce another new partner, James Roy of PAM Sweeping, Inc. in New York. PAM is a family owned and operated company, 3rd generation sweeping company started by Kenneth Roy Sr. back in 1963. Although parking lot and street sweeping were originally at the core of the family business, competition and changing market conditions in the 1980’s prompted the formation of two additional related businesses, Powerhouse Paving and Orange Sewer and Drain. …
Movie buffs may remember the “If you build it, they will come” line from Field of Dreams. It is a great line from a fantastic movie….a quote that can apply to a lot of things in life. It may be a stretch of the imagination to use lines from baseball movies when writing about the sweeping industry, but today is the first day of spring, baseball is in the air, and the snow that has blanketed much of the country this winter will soon be a fading memory. The spring cleanup season will soon be upon us.
When we began work on the 1-800-SWEEPER website in the summer of 2011, a core group of companies rallied around a shared vision of a cooperative business alliance to generate sales leads and create the collective buying power of a $50 million dollar a year business. Although nobody uttered the phrase, we believed “if you build it, they will come.” We did build it…..and the business did come.
Perhaps one of the best examples of this analogy is Jim Larko’s decision to invest in a reconditioned Stewart-Amos Starfire S-4 sweeper. …
Priscilla Tsai’s recent Allied Pavement Equipment profile of Progressive Sweeping Contractors, Inc. not only offers President Mike Lucht’s formula for success; her story also provides readers with helpful hints that will ensure their experiences with sweeping contractors are positive.
Headquartered in the Toledo, Ohio area with an additional service center in Detroit, Michigan, Lucht’s Progressive Sweeping has offered parking lot and commercial sweeping services since 1978. One of Mike’s guiding principles is training his staff to work quietly and efficiently. “A sweeper gets noticed most when his machine is broken, when he is late, or not where he is needed, rather than when he is performing effectively,” says Lucht. …