Blog | 1-800-SWEEPER- Part 31

1-800-SWEEPER Blog

Cleaning the Colors of a Rainbow: Immaculate Power Sweeping Profiled in the April Edition of North American Sweeper Magazine


Regular readers of our blog may remember a story we ran about the Color Me Rad Race in Boston last summer.  Color Me Rad is a nationwide 5K race venue that travels city to city.  Runners start the race with a clean white t-shirt, and as they make their way through the course, they are doused with brightly colored cornstarch.  By the time runners hit the finish line, they sport a colorful rainbow of colors from head to toe.  We ran this story in part because race director Jessica Hall contacted 1-800-SWEEPER for post-race clean up assistance, and in part because she wrote a glowing testimonial that spoke to Immaculate Power Sweeping’s ability to leave the venue looking pristine in just a few short hours after the conclusion of the race.

This month’s edition of North American Sweeper Magazine has a fascinating interview with Immaculate’s Derek Grieco.  In this feature story, Derek explains in great detail how his company managed to clean up after the race, and how his conversations with race director Jessica Hall helped to create a new job spec for cleanup efforts for other venues in the Color Me Rad race circuit.

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Reasons to Join 1-800-SWEEPER : Testimonial From Randy Hite of Piedmont Property Services


Sometimes when we finish giving 1-800-SWEEPER presentations, new prospective partners say, “The benefits of being involved in 1-800-SWEEPER sound good…..I like the idea of the cooperative internet marketing, the search engine optimization, the sales leads, and the potential savings I might receive from your buying group, but how do I know if it will really work?”  As business owners, we have all been pitched on the “next big thing”……the “no brainer idea” that will help us grow our companies.  Sometimes these ideas are home runs….sometimes they are fall short of the mark.  At 1-800-SWEEPER, we think some of our best reasons to join come from our actual partners.  Randy Hite’s recent testimonial is case in point. 

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Partner Spotlight: Clean Sweep, Inc of Chattanooga, TN Profiled In North American Sweeper Magazine


Pete Phillips of Clean Sweep, in Chattanooga, TN is the latest of our partners to be profiled in this month’s edition of North American Sweeper Magazine.  Like many sweeper companies, Clean Sweep is a second generation, family owned and operated business.  Pete’s mom was a property manager who found reliable sweeping service companies were hard to come by, so his father decided to take the plunge and get into the business in the 1980’s.  Clean Sweep did the initial construction clean up sweeping for local area retailers such as Target and Best Buy, and his company never parted ways with these and other big stores.

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From the 1-800-SWEEPER Newsroom: Construction and Street Sweeping Calls Prompt New Equipment Purchase


Movie buffs may remember the “If you build it, they will come” line from Field of Dreams.  It is a great line from a fantastic movie….a quote that can apply to a lot of things in life.  It may be a stretch of the imagination to use lines from baseball movies when writing about the sweeping industry, but today is the first day of spring, baseball is in the air, and the snow that has blanketed much of the country this winter will soon be a fading memory.  The spring cleanup season will soon be upon us.

When we began work on the 1-800-SWEEPER website in the summer of 2011, a core group of companies rallied around a shared vision of a cooperative business alliance to generate sales leads and create the collective buying power of a $50 million dollar a year business.  Although nobody uttered the phrase, we believed “if you build it, they will come.”  We did build it…..and the business did come.

Perhaps one of the best examples of this analogy is Jim Larko’s decision to invest in a reconditioned Stewart-Amos Starfire S-4 sweeper.

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2013 NPE Wrap Up


We hope everyone enjoyed this year’s NPE show in Nashville!   1-800-SWEEPER displayed a 40 ft banner in the convention center parking area, projected the 1-800-SWEEPER logo on the lobby floor of the Renaissance Hotel, and co-sponsored the Sweepers Night Out at the Wildhorse Saloon.  We gave away a RedMax blower by registering NAPSA members at the NAPSA booth and at the Sweepers Night Out. The winner was Latasha Crenshaw of AC Sweepers in Atlanta, GA.  A cocktail reception was also held for partners and invited guests. A great time was had by all.   In case you are interested in some of the pictures, we have gathered a small collection for you to enjoy!

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