If you have never exhibited at a local trades how or networking event, your company is missing out on valuable opportunities. Although most business owners appreciate the value of making new contacts, not all are willing to dedicate the time and resources to exhibiting. Some sit on the sidelines due to cost or the notion that they already know the area’s key players while others cite the lack of a show-ready presentation. If marketing and promotion budgets are limited, do some homework to seek out affordable or no-cost networking opportunities. And if you have been a 1-800-SWEEPER partner for any length of time, you now recognize there are buying influences in your own back yard that are unfamiliar with your company’s capabilities. All of these common objections are easily addressed, but what about trade show presentations? …
In 1991, Doyle Caffee was a credit manager for Circle Business Credit, a commercial-lending division of Xerox specializing in the refuse industry. The pending sale of CBC prompted Doyle to explore career options. He could start his own refuse company, but the sizable capital investments required prompted him to consider an alternative path–the sweeping industry. Doyle purchased a used sweeper for $13,000 and plunged head first into 90+ hour workdays, building up his company, Sweep All, Inc. The original game plan called for selling the business in 5 years, but over 20 years later, Doyle is still going strong. …
Most property owners assume picking up trash translates to a clean parking area, but removing litter in plain sight is only part of the story. Beneath visible debris, you’ll find dirt, road salt, and brake dust that wears out flooring and increases cleaning costs. Keeping the inside of buildings clean is a good reason to sweep outside paved areas, but there is an equally important environmental consideration: fugitive dust. Microscopic particles of dried oil residue, pesticides / herbicides, and nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen are made airborne by breezes and the motion of passing cars, polluting our air and water.
We’ve created an informative multi-media presentation that our partners use on their websites and Facebook pages to explain fugitive dust and the environmental impact of professional parking lot sweeping.
Access to this video is just one benefit of the 1-800-SWEEPER partnership. If you are interested in learning more about our organization, or wish to inquire about membership, please contact Carolyn Bell for additional information.
Pete Phillips recently sent us some pictures from his exhibition booth at the Chattanooga Small Business Expo. If you aren’t already attending events like this in your area, you should start making connections with local property managers and business owners. One new introduction can more than pay for the cost of your booth. If you have ever contemplated attending a show to promote your business, you know that showing up to these events is the easy part. Crafting a short and concise elevator pitch that prompts prospective customers to engage in a discussion is the real magic that turns a meeting with a prospect into a sales opportunity. …
1-800-SWEEPER offers partners an incredible value proposition based on cooperative marketing initiatives, collective buying power, and a shared knowledge base not found elsewhere in our industry. Although we join 1-800-SWEEPER for different reasons, it is this mix of ideas that takes a sweeping contractor from a prospect to a partner that advocates for our brand. Sometimes all of the emphasis on this trio of concepts causes us to lose sight of a very simple idea: our vanity phone number, 1-800-SWEEPER.
If you haven’t already placed our vanity toll free number on all of your trucks yet, here is a list of the top reasons to do so. …