Partner News | 1-800-SWEEPER- Part 10

Partner News

The “Painted Picture” for 1-800-SWEEPER


Ever since returning home from the 2013 Sweeper Summit in Detroit, we’ve been taking Cameron Herold’s advice to heart, working steadily on the “Painter Picture for 1-800-SWEEPER.  Visualization leads to performance, and as a group we all must be focused on the same vision to succeed. To build upon our momentum, we are proudly unveiling our “Painted Picture” describing where 1-800-SWEEPER will be in three years.

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Experience The Difference: News and Views From The Board


sloganIt seems like every day we hear from folks who are making significant changes in their businesses as a result of last fall’s sweeper summit.  All of the speakers and sessions gave us much to think about.  From the 1-800-SWEEPER board perspective, we decided that it was time to make some changes too.  If you have visited our website lately, you may have noticed a new slogan beneath our logo at the top of the page.

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1-800-SWEEPER New Partner Spotlight: Great Lakes Striping and Sealing


After putting in his time with seismograph, Bruce Biddinger saw a much bigger and better opportunity, so he purchased what is now Great Lakes Striping & Sealing, Inc., back in 1989. Even with his wife in tears as they left the bank, Bruce had a vision and seized the opportunity with confidence, knowing he could build a legacy! His entrepreneurial genes and risk taking, “baby boomer” mentality has taken this company from one truck and trailer to the 30 vehicle (7 of which are sweepers), 35-employee strong POWERHOUSE it is today.

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1-800-SWEEPER Partner Spotlight: Cleveland Area Parking Lot and Street Sweeping Company On The Move


Dennis Hiller and his sons, Jeff and Greg, of Southwest Sweeping have been sweeping Cleveland area streets and parking lots since 1974.  For those who know the sweeping business, when you think about Southwest, you think consistency…longevity…a family owned company that is in it for the long haul.  And if you ever stopped by to visit the Hiller’s at their old shop in Middleburg Heights, it was clear from go that they had been there a very long time.

We had an opportunity to meet up with the Hillers in Detroit at this year’s Sweeper Summit.  During the conversation, Greg casually mentioned that Southwest had moved into a new facility and asked us to make sure his address was updated in both his Cleveland Street Sweeping and Parking Lot Sweeping Landing Page and his directory listing.  While we were making the changes to Southwest’s contact information, it occurred to us that the news about their move belonged in our blog and in our newsletter too.

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1-800-SWEEPER New Member Partner Welcome: Cantel Sweeping


Michael Wagoner

1-800-SWEEPER is proud to welcome our newest partner, Michael Wagoner of Cantel Sweeping.  Michael purchased Cantel Sweeping in 1993 after spending 15 years in the corporate world, first with US Bancorp, and later with Pacific Financial Services.   At the time of purchase, Cantel was a six-sweeper shop with a solid reputation, but Michael’s business acumen told him the company could be so much more.

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