Eco-Friendly Sweeping | 1-800-SWEEPER

Eco-Friendly Sweeping

Fall Leaf Cleanup: Save the Environment and your Wallet with Leaf Sweeping

Autumn leaves provide a burst of twirling, majestic color to our world for a few weeks each year before they promptly become a huge nuisance for months after that. Because of this, it is tempting to simply leave these crunchy burdens where they fall and wait for old man winter to cover them up. However, this can pose some very real environmental and financial threats so before you let sleeping leaves lie, consider the importance of getting them properly swept.

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Protecting Pennichuck Water Supply with a Clean Sweep

Protecting Pennichuck
Water Supply with a Clean Sweep

Drainage basins, stormwater management

Water supply quality is one of the top concerns for the environment as a whole as well as for individual communities like the ones serviced by The Pennichuck Brook Watershed. Pennichuck, which provides drinking water to the greater Nashua, New Hampshire area is, like many water supplies, facing the effects of developed land. They are now addressing the issues of drainage basins, stormwater management, and runoff to improve water quality.

What is Polluting Pennichuck?

A surprising source of contaminants comes from the lack of maintenance to commercial and private parking lots and driveways. While surrounding communities do regular sweeps of roadways and major streets, these smaller areas are infrequently swept and significantly contribute to water pollution. Sweeping along with regular catch basin cleaning and stormwater management has been shown to effectively remove phosphorus and sediment from watersheds.

How often are Sweeps and Catch Basin Cleaning Performed?

The Pennichuck Catch Basin Cleaning Feasibility report found that many businesses do not perform regular sweeps, do them ineffectively with push brooms or only have them done once a year after the snow melts. Drainage basin cleanings are also only done on an as-needed basis. The report found that with regular adherence to watershed maintenance there would be the significant reduction in total suspended solids (TSS) in the stormwater runoff.

How Much Would These Measures Reduce Contaminants?

A parking lot maintenance program combined with catch basin cleaning would contribute a total phosphorus and TSS reduction of 147 lbs/yr., a significant portion of the total goal of 2,258 lbs/yr. It is Important to note that it was also found that hiring outside companies was more cost effective than purchasing and maintaining equipment by the city. Additionally, having a city run program would ensure a higher level of participation by businesses.

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Saving Green by Going Green!

Progressive Sweeper:
Saving Green by Going Green!

Going Green, Eco friendly

ProSweep has been busy establishing business practices that will keep our company and our environment healthy and growing for years to come. So, how does an eco-friendly business like Progressive Sweeping make their company even greener and more cost-effective at the same time?

Recycling Program

Our recently implemented in-office recycling program ensures we minimize our paper and supply consumption and recycle what we do use. By using less, we are saving more and connecting our staff through the shared goal of creating a company that cares about the environment as much as the job we do.

Green Technology

ProSweep is not only addressing physical waste like oil, tires, and mechanical parts but recognizing the growing carbon footprint of the Internet. The ProSweep website is now powered with renewable energy and Green hosting from With this new hosting, we are creating a positive impact by replacing three times the amount of energy our website uses with wind energy credits.

Reducing Waste

While green technology is the cutting edge of environmental sustainability, traditional waste materials are also still a problem. What happens to all those materials ProSweep uses to get the job done?

  • Tires: Our tires get retreaded as opposed to being thrown away, extending their life and reducing waste.
  • Scrap Metal: All metal gets made into a variety of recycled products including ones we put right back into our company.
  • Anti-Freeze: Our truck’s antifreeze is rejuvenated, decreasing the amount used and the amount that needs to be disposed of.
  • Oil: Oil from our sweeping trucks is reused in EPA approved clean burn oil furnaces to heat our garages during the winter.

We look forward to seeing the effects of all our changes and doing even more to create a company culture of environmental sustainability while providing our customers with services we can all be proud of.


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